Here's to being a
"pinch" Irish

O'Kennedy and O'Tiegan
Kennedy is celebrating the leprechaun's birthday with her school friends.
Not lucky, Just cute!
Tiegan made this St. Patrick project @ Kindergarten. Never thought I would actually be encouraging grass growing and watering in the house.
Love these kids to the moon and back!
Papa Bill says I am 1/12 Irish. Erin Go Braugh!
This "wearing of the green" holiday is full of fun, mystery and lots of messes! For the past few days (between home and stories from the girls' school), Patrick, the leprechaun has: tipped chairs, forgotten to clean-up his toys, left his green foot prints everywhere, and lost his shoes. The kids were determined to find this mischievous little guy. No such luck! Their curiousity was detered when they found a note next to the chocolate gold coins he left. "Time to move on. Thanks for cleaning up the toys, fixing all the chairs, and finding my shoes! It's been fun!"
"For each petal on the shamrock brings a wish your way: Good health, good luck and happiness for today and every day." - Irish blessing
Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy 30th Anniversary, Mom and Dad! We love you, Gramma Jackie and Papa Bill!