Friday, May 23, 2008

PG-3 Bathroom Humor from Miss Kennedy...

By request to publish... Girls night out table talk turned into laughing out loud! (Warning: This may be a little more information than you may want to know, let alone read. So proceed with caution.)

I would like to start out by explaining my dear ol' husband's taste in classical movies. No, I am not talking about Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, or Das Boot. We are talking more like Tombstone, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and undoubtably, Caddyshack. Have you ever indulged yourself in the "Caddyshack" experience? (The 1980 comedy starring Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase, Ted Knight, and Bill Murray just to name a few.) I, myself, am NOT a huge fan of riotious, loudmouth, slap stick comedy. Byron, on the other hand, rates this hysterical farce in his top five of unforgetable quotable favorites.

(Continue reading at your own risk... Curious, aren't yas? There is no turning back now. )

Setting: Bath time in the kids' bathroom.
(Byron's giving Tiegan a bath while I am blow drying Kennedy's hair after her bath.)

Daddy: It smells in here.
Mommy: Well, you are in the bathroom, sitting near the toilet... maybe one of the girls went to the bathroom before getting into the tub. Check the toilet. And I'll check Braden's bum.
Daddy: (Nothing... all clear.) And I just cleaned the bathrooms today.
Mommy: (Nonchalantly) Maybe someone "putt putted?" (That's the "term" we use in our house.) (What word do you use in your household?)
Daddy: (Leaning over the tub...) Tiegan, did you putt-putt?
Tiegan: Nope, not me.
Kennedy: (Overhearing the conversation and saying rather loudly) I DIDN'T SIT ON A DUCK!
Mommy: (Confused) Kennedy what did you say?
Kennedy: (Grimacing) I didn't sit on a duck.
Mommy: (Asking Byron) Why is our daughter talking about sitting on a duck?
Daddy: (Hyterically laughing) Did she say what I think she said?
Mommy: I have no idea... she is saying something about a DUCK.
Daddy, Tiegan, and Kennedy: (LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!)
Daddy: She said that she didn't sit on a duck.
Mommy: I know what she said... why is she saying that and what does it mean?
Daddy: (Still ridiculously laughing) But proceeded to let me in on this new found humor.

Byron was SO PROUD in that moment. Do you see what he is teaching our kids? Our three year old daughter is now quoting classical movies and using it in the right context. (Thanks, Rodney.) Now, anytime anyone of them putt-putts... the words, "Did someone sit on a duck?" follow. I guess it could be worse? (If you would like to view the clip from Caddyshack yourself, then you can type in 'Somebody step on a duck?' on youtube.)

Just when you think no one is really listening... Out of the mouth of a three year old...