The family is ONE of God's masterpieces.
LIVE your life at its fullest.
LAUGH at all the things that don't matter.
LOVE with all that you have and more.
I think God designed our little babies PERFECTLY! I love Braden's tipsy waddle walk, kissable cheeks, wittle button nose, cute dimply heinie, chubby fingers and toes, baby talk, puppy dog eyes, arms reaching up asking to be held...EVERYTHING! (Even the not so happy moments... when he just wants to cuddle. He is teething something fierce right now... "I know, buddy... it HURTS.") He is so curious about his world right now! Much of what he does is a first time experience. To watch him learn new things, play and keep up with his sisters, test the waters, overcome obstacles, or simply enjoy the little things makes me smile. The last picture above I captured tonight when he thought I wasn't looking. "Supposed to sit in your silly, sing-a-long, music chair, Brae." Of course, it is more fun to stand on. Love you, son!
He's adorable Shar! Makes me want a boy too! :~) We are truly blessed!
Loving husband: Byron, my guitar playing, heartfelt songwriter, the BEST hands-on Daddy to our children, who loves me unconditionally. Favorite color: the three amazing children we have been pricelessly blessed with: Tiegan, Kennedy, and Braden… what BEAUTIFUL color they bring into our lives everyday! Favorite jobs: motherhood and teaching. Favorite past times: loving family and God one day at a time, quiet time, laughing, movie marathons, photography, cooking new foods, and watching sports with hubby.
Why and How to use Baby Wipes?
Baby wipes are a high priority thing for any family with a kid. The
sensitive skin of an infant requires unquestionably the best materials,
which is the ...
Wheeler Family Session
I love boys and I love families with a whole gaggle of them. The Wheeler
family was no exception. They have some of the sweetest little men I've
December 15, 2007: Rolled over. March 22, 2008: Began crawling. April 5, 2008: Bottom teeth coming in. May 17, 2008: Pulling self up to stand. June 6, 7, 8, 2008: First camping trip. June 13, 2008: Said, "Mama." (Sounded like M-A-M-A.) June 25, 2008 Top two teeth coming in! July 5, 2008 Teeth, teeth, and more teeth coming through! Four teeth on top and three on the bottom. July 15, 2008 Stood up on his own without holding onto furniture. July 21, 2008 Claps when singing "IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT..." August 2, 3, 2008 First experience on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk dipping your toes into the very cold Pacific Ocean. August 17, 2008 He finally takes his first THREE free-standing steps. He WALKS! August 20, 2008 Waves bye-bye. August 22, 2008 Got your 12 month shots today; three of 'em. OUCHIE! August 24, 2008 New word... "Uh-oh." October 11, 2008 More new words... "GO!" "Dada" "Hi" October 25, 2008 New words... "More" "Cheese" "Sissy" February 1, 2009 First haircut... Good job, Mommy!
He's adorable Shar! Makes me want a boy too! :~)
We are truly blessed!
Thanks, Jen. I am patiently waiting for my phone to ring this winter!
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