Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
Here goes... enjoy!
1. I am the oldest of six brothers and sisters.
2. I am a retired military brat. Go, Air Force!
3. I hesitate to admit this one… Old enough to probably know better, I believed that our family German Shepherd could actually jump on a pogo-stick. Can you say, GULLIBLE? Thanks, Dad!
4. I learned to double-dutch in the 5th grade. I can still hold my own with my 6th grade class/students today. I have the “COOL” teacher factor, now.
5. I have never broken a single bone in my body, but I have bruised a bone and pulled a rib from my vertebrae. OUCH!
6. I twirled the baton in middle school; won States and Western Regionals.
7. I had my first child @ 32.
8. Being a mom has made me a better teacher. And being a teacher has made me a better mom. Figuratively speaking, I SEE things through DIFFERENT eyes.
9. German police stopped me because I was riding my bicycle on the sidewalk. I guess that is not allowed in Bonn.
10. I got out of a “ticket” for doing a California stop because I was brutally honest.
11. I still cannot prove why a circle is a circle. Uh… because my Kindergarten teacher taught me so? Geometry did not bring out my best!
12. I survived a 360 on the freeway! And NO, I was not the driver.
13. My longest childhood friendship has endured 31 years of great memories.
14. I hope to see all seven wonders of the world one day!
15. One day, on my list of Mommy things to do… is to take all of my children to my birth place.
16. If there is one weather element I could live without, it would be the wind. And I do not like to feel cold.
17. I CRY! I cry over other people’s happiness. I cry when any of my kids make me proud. I cry over movies. I cry when I cut up an onion.
18. People often ask me if we are done having children. Can’t say yes or no. Hmmm, what does that mean? Seriously though, I am one of those mother’s who gets VERY SICK during pregnancy. And although it is temporary… it scares me. It is probably a good thing, otherwise, I would probably have a baseball team.
19. I want a smartboard like Aprill.
20. Originally, in my “professional student” college days, I pursued a career in medicine to become a pediatrician.
21. I have no regrets…
22. I hope to write a children’s book one day … illustrated by Karin Schwettmann, my baby sister. (She is the artist in the family.)
23. I look @ life as the “glass is half full.”
24. I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY! I have about two dozen pictures from MY childhood. My children, on the other hand, have about two million photo memories @ this point and they are only 5, 4, and 1. Do you think there is any relativity to why I capture every moment on film?
25. Whew… this was an eye-opener. Not an easy task to write about me.
Please do share a few random things about you!
I've known you a long time, but I still learned a lot reading your 25things, and I enjoyed every minute.
Thanks for sharing!
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