I'm all BOY!
[Lil' digger *Drooling *Wet kisses *Digging in the dirt *Wrestling with Daddy *Giving Mommy hugs * Throwing the ball *Grunts *Bugs his sissy's *Knocks down sister's towers](Photos taken today: June 13, 2008)
- Mommy's handsome, sweet A-N-G-E-L boy.
- 10 months old, 27 pounds.
- My secret crush.
- Smothered with tons of hugs and kisses!
- Happy boy!
- Adorable smile!
- Teething; bottom two teeth are in, top ones are cutting through.
- Puts everything in his mouth; even his toes!
- Crawls all over the house.
- Plays and adores his sisters!
- So far, an easy baby to love and care for.
- Enjoys self-feeding himself with his Gerber strawberry, apple, and banana melt aways.
- Pulls himself up, stands, walks along the furniture, but will not let go.
- Wrestles with Daddy.
- Chatter box.
- Loves to play in the water.
- Giggles.
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