Our day started at Royer Park where the Roseville parade marched by us. Local veterens led the pack. There were girl scouts, Alice in Wonderland floats, remember fallen soldiers cars, ROTC flag bearers, Roseville Fire Department and their families showing their patriotism with signs, songs, sirens, music, dress uniforms, costumes, flags, etc. After the parade had marched through town, the flood gates opened! Royer Park soon became a sea of families meandering among the venders, listening to patriotic music played by the local orchestra, eating kettle corn, and excited children scurring around at the play park. Tiegan and Kennedy stopped only for a moment to make a photo memory before they were off to the super slides and crazy bounce houses. Fun, fun, fun...

(Byron's friend, Chief Scott Mulligan; Roseville Fire Dept.)
The day continued on at #### Celtic Drive; the Ramsey's residence. Yes, the one and only, Uncle Tim's house. (Did you notice the street name that my brother lives on? Funny, huh?) This is where we devoured our midday American picnic of hamburgers and hot dogs, baked beans, homemade potato and macaroni salad, fried zucchini, fruit, watermelon, and refreshing glasses of iced tea. Patriotic dessert followed. D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s.
Afterwards, the girls had their own ametuer fireworks show; throwing party poppers in the middle of the street and twirling sparklers. But the real fun began at o'dark thirty. That's right, we trekked out to Lincoln Park for a fantastic fireworks show! The best we have seen in a few years! The kids were intently watching, even our little Braden man. All of the kids ooohed and aaahed at every loud BOOM and striking display of light! The show actually lasted a good half hour; I think there were three grand finales. SPECTACULAR!
The night was far from over. Back at the house... the street asphalt became our informal launching grounds. It was time for the dad's to "blow" stuff up. With boxes of the "GOOD STUFF" in hand, grill lighters, and family and friend spectators at a safe distance, the second fireworks show began. There is something wonderful about grown men giggling like children. Byron and Tim trying to out-do the other with one thing in mind... bringing it BIG! I guess we have our forefathers to thank for ensuring our country's independence so we can celebrate the holiday by combusting fireworks.
Celebrating the American way!
Sounds like you all had a great time and enjoyed your 4th. The kids are darling as always. I can't believe how big they are all getting!
I thought the "fourth" was never going to end. We had a really great day though celebrating with red, white, and blue... eating traditional American favorites... lighting up the sky with fireworks...etc. By the time the kids finally stopped... they were wiped out! Happy Birthday, America! How was your July 4th?
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