Because I Love You Roses...

"Good Morning, Sweetness... Happy Anniversary. It has been six GREAT years. I Love You!"
Our Anniversary date started with lunch at my favorite sushi bar, Blue Nami. When you walk into this sushi bar, you will hear the chef say "Irrasshaimase," which means "welcome to our establishment." Eating there is such a unique experience. It's almost like stepping into the traditions and culture of Tokyo, Japan.
This picture was taken from our table side. The owner personally chef's his sushi bar. And he crafts his own tables, chairs, and waterfalls in his restaurant. Peaceful ambiance.

Sushi rolls: Chef's, James Bond, and Jason.
"Arigato goziamashita" Thank you very much!
"Gochi soo sama deshita" Really enjoyed the food.

After lunch, we headed downtown towards Old Sacramento and the K Street Mall. Walked around, people watched, shopped a little... then caught a movie. BATMAN. We both thought it was a great movie. There was an eeriness watching Heath Ledger play the Joker, the villian, for obvious reasons. BUT let me say, he played the character very WELL! Wouldn't be surprised if he wins the Oscars for that performance.

And to end the evening, we had a nice, quiet dinner of seafood at Fat City in Old Sacramento. (Our first dinner date together was here at Fat City.)
Thanks, Gramma Jackie for watching the kids for us so we could celebrate our 6th Anniversary!
Origianl Post July 15, 2008
My wife and I were surfing the TV channels tonight... stopping to briefly watch Celebrity Family Fued. The celebrities were asked to: Name something men forget that women don't. One correct response was "Anniversary." Sharleen looks over at me asking (ahem), "Honey, When is our Anniversary?" After pausing for a moment, I replied "The same great day that I married you six years ago."
It turns out that our anniversary is THIS weekend, July 20th. Celebrating 45 Years, or so it seems. (Last year, she was 9 months pregnant with our son and due anyday. So we did not venture too far from the hospital. Braden was born 6 days later.)
Can you guess how we will decide to spend our 6th wedding anniversary?
a. Dinner: Rudy's Hide Away and a Movie: Get Smart.
b. Drive to the beach with the kids.
c. Go to the Silver Legacy and SLEEP for a few hours.
d. Stroll, hand-in-hand, around Old Sacramento and dinner by the River.
e. Fly to Edmonton, Canada to shop.
f. Night on the town in Vegas.
g. Spa day and a professional SF Giants ballgame.
h. Something spontaneous.
i. Just another day.
j. Other __________________
Any other suggestions???
It turns out that our anniversary is THIS weekend, July 20th. Celebrating 45 Years, or so it seems. (Last year, she was 9 months pregnant with our son and due anyday. So we did not venture too far from the hospital. Braden was born 6 days later.)
Can you guess how we will decide to spend our 6th wedding anniversary?
a. Dinner: Rudy's Hide Away and a Movie: Get Smart.
b. Drive to the beach with the kids.
c. Go to the Silver Legacy and SLEEP for a few hours.
d. Stroll, hand-in-hand, around Old Sacramento and dinner by the River.
e. Fly to Edmonton, Canada to shop.
f. Night on the town in Vegas.
g. Spa day and a professional SF Giants ballgame.
h. Something spontaneous.
i. Just another day.
j. Other __________________
Any other suggestions???
I think it will be A since you might want to stay close to home. Although G is a bit different so that could be it.
I think d, since sitting in a movie theater is very hard for me at 7 months pregnant...and walking seems to be more comfortable!!!
Am I right?
Happy Anniversary.
Knowing Sharleen- probably something with the kids... my personal recommendation- after 15+ years of marriage, do something romantic with just the two of you! Your kids will be there when you get home and you MUST keep the romance steamy and hot (just use birth control :o)
Well let's see, I know that it won't be B because this is a day for the two of them. C is what Byron wants to do not Sharleen. E would be something that Sharleen would want to do but Byron would cry the whole time.(my feet hurt, my arms hurt,etc..)G would be good but Byron would not do that spa thing.(He would be afraid the spa would make him hit for the other team when he got to the game)H would not happen because Byron is far from a spontaneous person. Choice I would not happen because I know they both don't want it to be just another day. And if it was J Byron would want to sit at home and bid on Ebay and Sharleen would want to BLOG. So that leaves A D or F..I don't think it would be A just for the simple fact that they just went to the movies for Byron's week long birthday..F would not happen becuse that is to far for them to go without three babies.. So that leaves D and for that I think they both would have alot of fun. I hope you guys have a great Anniversary. We love you.
I vote for nap on the beach and then shopping and since your near the ocean...a yummy dinner of seafood. MMMMMMMMM!
Hey ladies, (Jennee, Aprill, Teresa, Lisa, and Aly)
Byron is SO thoughtful! (wink)
But he forgot to mention your prize: Winner gets to spend "quality" time with our three, silly (but fun), loving (high energy), sweet (very curious), angelic (with horns) children! (Oh, was that out loud?)
Does anyone want to change their answers now?
We are lovin' your responses, suggestions, processes of elimination, advice, etc. Keep 'em coming.
Anniversary blog will be posted after this weekend.
My guess is that Sharleen would choose the flying to Canada and shop. (Is Canada a non-extraditionary country?) Reality is that it will be just another day. But the good news is an ordinary day for you two is a day filled with love and appreciation for eachother and your beautiful family. No matter what you do, have fun!
Gabe & Nicole
Gabe and Nicky (soon to be Mommy and Daddy),
You bet we will have fun! I think we have forgotten what it is like to "hold hands." There always seems to be one, two, or three kids attached to us at any given time. (But we wouldn't want it any other way, either!)
Great to hear from you... see you in two weeks! We are even more excited about the arrival of our nephew! Take care... Love you guys!
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